A supplier of basic commodities to our source:« In this case, the commodities will begin to disappear from the market »

One of the suppliers of basic commodities, Suleiman Khalifa, told our source that: « The solutions that were proposed during the meeting of the Minister of Economy and Trade with the basic commodities suppliers are not necessary until the Central Bank and the Prime Minister interfere. They are the ones who can provide the solution by fixing the exchange rate to relieve the citizens, especially during the month of Ramadhan. »
He added by saying:« International prices have increased and the exchange rate is high. If the Central Bank of Libya and the Prime Minister do not intervene to adjust the exchange rate that suits the merchants, no solution will be reached. »
He continued his speech: « We are a consuming and not a producing country, and most of our imports of basic commodities are from Ukraine. Through the ongoing war, we will not be able to import. Also, the shipping price has increased from other countries. »
He concluded his speech by saying: « Our current stock is not enough for two months, as it is not in the strategic stock, especially if the Russian-Ukrainian crisis prolongs, the goods will begin to disappear from the markets, and there is no realistic solution so far. »