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Aguila Saleh Discusses with UN Envoy Ways to Resolve the Central Bank Crisis Based on Political Agreement Provisions

The Speaker of the House of Representatives, Aguila Saleh, discussed with the Under-Secretary-General of the United Nations, Rosemary DiCarlo, and Deputy Stephanie Khoury, ways to resolve the crisis of the Central Bank of Libya based on the provisions of the political agreement and the Bouznika Agreement regarding sovereign positions, ensuring the avoidance of further crisis and mitigating its negative impact on the national economy and Libya’s financial situation.

Aguila Saleh emphasized that the root of this crisis lies in the Presidential Council exceeding its defined tasks and duties outlined in the political agreement and overstepping the jurisdictions of the House of Representatives and the State Council. He reiterated that the Presidential Council bears full responsibility for the breach of the Central Bank and tampering with its contents, most recently in one of its key financial and information management departments.

For her part, the UN envoy stressed the necessity of resuming the political process immediately after resolving the Central Bank crisis, to form a unified government, end the political and institutional division, and work on organizing concurrent presidential and parliamentary elections. She also praised the achievements in reconstruction, development, and national reconciliation in southern Libya.

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