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Libyan Interior Minister Collaborates with EU Mission to Enhance Ras Jdir Border Crossing Development

Interior Minister Imad Al-Trabelsi has engaged in discussions with Jan Vyčítal, the head of the European Union Technical Mission for Border Management (EUBAM), regarding the potential development of the Ras Jdir border crossing in Libya. This significant meeting explored avenues for establishing a framework to enhance and equip not only the Ras Jdir border crossing but also key facilities such as the Al-Assa border sector operations room and the Abu Sharaf tower.

Attended by key figures including the head of the Border Guard Service, the head of the Organizations Department in the Minister’s Office, and the director of operations at the mission, the discussions delved into the formulation of training programs and the requisite qualifications for personnel associated with border management. The emphasis on training underscores Libya’s commitment to bolstering its border security apparatus and fostering a culture of efficiency and professionalism within its ranks.

In a proactive move, Minister Al-Trabelsi announced on Sunday that officials from the Joint Security Room, along with their assistants, would conduct an on-site assessment at the Ras Jdir border crossing. This initiative aims to evaluate any existing damage and gather crucial insights into the current status of the crossing. Furthermore, Al-Trabelsi expressed optimism regarding the timely reopening of the border crossing before the onset of Eid Al-Fitr, demonstrating the government’s dedication to facilitating smooth cross-border movements.

The collaboration between the Libyan Ministry of Interior and the European Union Technical Mission for Border Management underscores the importance of international cooperation in addressing border security challenges. It signals Libya’s proactive approach to fortifying its borders and ensuring effective management, which are crucial elements for stability and prosperity in the region.

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