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The Minister of Technical and Vocational Education discusses with the Ambassador of Spain strengthening cooperation in the field of developing technical and vocational education

The Minister of Technical and Vocational Education, Mr. Yakhlef Saeed Al-Sifaw, received today, Thursday, the Ambassador of Spain to Libya, Mr. Javier Garcia, to discuss strengthening cooperation in the field of developing technical and vocational education.

During the meeting, which was held at the Ministry’s office and attended by a number of directors of departments and offices and the delegation accompanying the ambassador, the Minister welcomed cooperation with the State of Spain, which has strong relations with the State of Libya in all fields, stressing the keenness of the National Unity Government to enhance cooperation and coordination with all friendly countries in all disciplines and fields, especially educational, benefiting from the Spanish experiences and establishing a common mechanism to facilitate the procedures of students sent to study in the State of Spain, and to benefit from scholarships and study opportunities provided by Spain to Libya, as well as activating previous agreements, projects and activities, including twinning programs for technical and vocational education institutions in the two countries.

The two sides also discussed the importance of linking graduates of technical and vocational institutions with the requirements of the labor market, and working to develop technical and vocational education curricula, noting that the Ministry is working to attract more students, by linking this education with the local, regional and international labor market, in addition to mention the creation of new specializations that meet the needs of the labor market.

For his part, the Ambassador stressed that the relations between Libya and Spain are strong and distinguished strategic relations, as Libya enjoys a distinguished position and regional weight in its geographical surroundings, stressing Spain’s interest and desire to enhance the process of joint cooperation between the two countries.

The Ambassador praised the level of relations between the two countries in the educational and cultural fields, praising all efforts to develop the technical and vocational education system, explaining the two countries’ keenness to transfer their experience and exchange experiences between them.

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