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The budget of the House of Representatives, the Supreme Council of the State, the Presidential Council, the Libyan government and its ministries, according to the proposed budget for the year 2022

The Libyan government allocated in its proposed budget for the year of 2022, a copy of which was obtained by our source: an amount of 41.7 billion dinars for Chapter One “salaries” and an amount of about 8.7 billion dinars for running expenses. Both of which are distributed between parliaments, the state, the presidential, the government, its bureau and its ministries.

According to the proposed budget, an amount of 1.362 billion dinars has been allocated to the House of Representatives and its affiliates, of which more than 925 million are for salaries and 437 million for running expenses. 77 million dinars have been allocated to the Supreme Council of State, “17 million of which for salaries and 60 million for expenses.” As for the Presidential Council and its affiliates Authorities, led by the General Intelligence Service, 463.5 million dinars has been allocated to them, and nearly 1.5 billion dinars has been allocated to the Council of Ministers of the Libyan government and its affiliates , “of which 742 million are for salaries and 756 million for expenses.”

As for the ministries, the largest share was for the Ministry of Education with 15.8 billion dinars, then the Ministry of Defense with 7.9 billion dinars, the Ministry of Health with 5 billion dinars, the Ministry of the Interior with a total of 4.9 billion dinars, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs with 2.3 billion dinars, and then the Ministries of Planning and Finance and of Higher Education at an amount of 2 billion dinars each, the Ministries of Justice and of Technical Education at a value of 1.3 billion dinars for each ministry, the Ministry of Labor and Rehabilitation at an amount of 784 million dinars, the Ministry of Local Government at a value of 584 million dinars, and the Ministry of Agriculture and Animal Wealth at an amount of 488 million dinars.

As well as the Ministry of Social Affairs has been allocated with a share of about 341 million dinars, the Ministry of Economy and Trade with a value of 292 million dinars, the Ministry of Communications with a value exceeding 280 million dinars, the Ministry of Culture with a value of approximately 266 million dinars, the Ministry of Public Works with an amount of 249 million dinars, the Ministry of Sports with a value of 214 million dinars, the Ministry of Information With a value of 209 million dinars, the Ministry of Tourism with a value of 132 million dinars, the Ministry of Civil Aviation with an amount of 115 million dinars, and the rest of the ministries with values ​​less than 100 million dinars for each ministry.

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