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The General Electricity Company announces the disconnection of the electrical supply at Tarhuna transfer station

The General Electricity Company announced the disconnection of the electrical supply to all lines feeding from the station, due to the works of renewing the electrical network equipment at the Tarhuna substation, at a voltage of 11/30/66/220 kV, which will start from nine a.m on Friday, the 29th of this April.

Also, the electrical supply will be disconnected for all lines feeding from the Al-Barakat transformer, at a voltage of 11/30/220 kV, to secure the work site.

According to the company, the areas that will lose supply are Tarhuna city, Al-Khadra, Al-Dawon, Abyar Meji, Souk Al-Ahad, Sidi Assiid and Msallata.

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