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The Minister of Health of the National Stability Government reveals the procedures and strategies that he will establish within the sector

The Minister of Health of the Government of National Stability, Othman Abdul Jalil, said: « I arrived today in the city of Tobruk and met the Prime Minister of the Libyan government, Fathi Bashagha, and discussed with him the strategies and procedures that I will establish in my duties as Minister of Health in the Libyan government, which will focus on 6 main strategies, namely: to develop immediate and radical solutions to treat patients Tumors, and to full care, within a few months, that no Libyan patient with this malignant disease would need to search for medicine and treatment for it, whether at home or abroad, as well as initiating the implementation of the comprehensive health insurance program for all citizens with an efficient and effective mechanism, and paying great attention to central and specialized hospitals in all regions of Libya and working on twinning some of them with international hospitals in order to localize treatment inside.

Also, eliminating administrative and financial corruption in the Ministry’s office and in all its affiliated institutions, organizing the sector administratively, raising the level of its workers technically, through specialized training for all its employees at home and abroad according to a rigorous training program and paying attention to community health programs and launching the electronic patient file project to facilitate the review and follow-up process ».

He continued by saying: « I promise all Libyans that I will do everything I can to advance this sector and spare no effort to clean it of corruption and spoilers and to achieve a level of health services worthy of the Libyan citizen. I also pledge to all Libyans that I will be the voice of the citizen within the government to push hard to achieve the desire of 2.8 million Libyans to hold presidential and parliamentary elections as soon as possible and in accordance with the road map agreed upon between the parliament and the state ».

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