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Al-Sour confirms, during his meeting with his Belgian counterpart, the right and priority of the Libyan judicial authorities to protect Libyan funds and investments

The Libyan General Attorney, Al-Seddik Al-Sour met today, Tuesday in Brussels, with his Belgian counterpart, Johan Delmulle, in the presence of the Libyan Ambassador to the Kingdom of Belgium Amal Al-Jarari, members of the Public Prosecution Reda Al-Mazoui, the head of the International Cooperation Department, Al-Ajili Tatesh, Director of the General Attorney’s Office, Omar bin Al-Amin, head of the media department at the General Attorney’s Office, and advisors for international affairs, Ahmed Al-Jahani and Hassan Al-Saghir.

During the meeting, issues of the relationship between the two countries were discussed and the possibility of reaching solutions that guarantee and enhance the fight against crime, corruption and impunity and protect the interests of the two countries without prejudice to the sovereignty and independence of the judicial authorities in the two countries was discussed.

The Libyan Public Prosecutor received from his Belgian counterpart a comprehensive briefing on the background and course of the cases under consideration by the Belgian authorities, and he expressed his full readiness to cooperate between specialists to end any dispute or judicial dispute.

For his part, Al-Sour affirmed the eligibility and priority of the Libyan judicial authorities to protect Libyan funds and investments, stressing the care and attention given by the Libyan General Attorney’s Office to combat corruption in all its forms, and to ensure that there is no impunity, and that the Libyan judicial authorities have not and will not tolerate any crime against these funds and the institutions that own or manage these funds.

The meeting concluded with an agreement between the two sides on constructive, fruitful and positive cooperation, opening up horizons for joint investigation, exchanging information with the ongoing investigations and putting each other in a form of what information and data they have that benefit both parties and produce complementary ones that speed up the achievement of the desired results. It was also agreed to exchange letters and memos to move forward in Signing a cooperation agreement between the two parties to form a governing framework that guarantees the sovereignty, independence and professionalism of the judiciary in the two countries.

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