Tabadul TV

The Preparatory Committee for the Libyan-Italian Economic Forum Holds its First Regular Meeting

The Preparatory Committee for the Libyan-Italian Economic Forum held its first regular meeting with the participation of the Italian Ambassador to Libya and the commercial attaché at the embassy, which was dedicated to coordinating between the two sides regarding the forum’s agenda and the overall concept of its details.

Minister of State for Cabinet Affairs, Adel Jumaa, affirmed that Italian Prime Minister Giorgia Meloni and the Prime Minister of the Government of National Unity, Abdul Hamid Dbeibeh, agreed during Meloni’s visit to Tripoli to hold the forum to support the private sector in both countries, and to increase economic cooperation in all fields.

On his part, the Chairman of the Management Committee of the Business Owners Council, Rashid Suwann, expressed support from the government for the Libyan private sector, providing activities, programs, and projects that contribute to enhancing its efficiency, and participating in the preparatory committees for these forums.

It is worth mentioning that the forum will be held on October 30th in the city of Tripoli.

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