Tabadul TV

Aguila Saleh: “We Agree to Al-Kabeer’s Request to Impose a Tax on Foreign Currency Sales”

The President of the House of Representatives, Aguila Saleh, stated in media remarks that the Governor of the Central Bank of Libya, Seddiq Al-Kabeer, “informed us that if we do not impose a tax on the sale of foreign currency, the exchange rate of the dollar in the parallel market will rise to 12 or 13 dinars, but if the tax is imposed, the dollar rate will stabilize.”

Aguila Saleh confirmed that the Finance Committee agreed to the request of the Central Bank governor to impose a tax on the sale of foreign currency until the end of the year, explaining that the council is convinced by the opinion of the experts at the central bank, and this decision will be issued, easing the situation, and the surplus from imposing the tax will be allocated to paying off the public debt.

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