Tabadul TV

Hammad, Aguila and the Deputy Governor of CBL Review the 2024 Budget Proposal and Steps to Unify the Bank

The Prime Minister of the Libyan government, Osama Hammad, met today, Sunday, with the Speaker of the House of Representatives, Aguila Saleh, and Deputy Governor of the Central Bank, Mara’i Al-Barassi.

The attendees were briefed on the proposal for the state’s general budget for the year 2024 and its financing methods, in addition to the role of the government through its ministry in providing services to citizens and supporting the completion of a number of important and vital projects.

For his part, the Deputy Governor of the Central Bank gave a comprehensive briefing on the special steps taken in the policy of unifying the Central Bank in Tripoli and Benghazi, and the work of the two bank administrations to overcome the difficulties in providing services to all citizens, such as opening clearing, providing cash liquidity to citizens, and facilitating the provision of services in all branches of banks operating in the country.

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