Tabadul TV

Dbeibeh confirms that if the implementation of Libya’s project agreement with Italy is delayed, the gas production capacity will decrease

Second regular cabinet session for the year 2023 held by Dbeibeh

The head of the National Unity Government, Abdul Hamid Dbeibeh, said in his speech during the second regular cabinet session for the year 2023, today, Wednesday, in the city of Jumayl, that the implementation of the Libya draft agreement with Italy means that the country will transform in 2027 from a gas-exporting country to an importing country, and “we desperately need to reactivate Libya’s gas projects.”

Dbeibeh confirmed that official studies and international data confirm that the delay in the draft agreement will cause a decrease in our ability to produce gas. The agreement project will also pump investments in Libya with eight billion, which the country has not witnessed in a quarter of a century.

He explained that the management of the General Electricity Company is following up in the eastern region completing the implementation of maintenance and development projects for the electricity network, and this indicates that all Libyans today agree to benefit from government services.

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