Tabadul TV

Trump appears to have pocketed funds from Muammar el-Qaddafi -Raw Story

“In 2009, for example, he agreed to rent his Seven Springs estate in Westchester County, N.Y., to the Libyan Col. Muammar el-Qaddafi, who hoped to stay in a tent on the grounds during a meeting of the United Nations General Assembly,” Raw Story reported.

“Though the plans fell apart when local residents objected, Colonel Qaddafi made a payment of $150,000, which Mr. Trump told CNN in 2011 that he had given to charity. His 2009 tax returns, however, reported only $22,796 in business and personal cash gifts,” the newspaper explained.

The Security Council team of experts clarifies the developments in the unification process of the Central Bank of Libya

Amira Cherni

Central Bank of Libya: « Foreign exchange uses during January and February amounted to 3.1 billion dollars, of which 1.6 billion dollars were for credits ».

Amira Cherni

Al-Kabeer discusses with the World Bank the unification path of Central Bank of Libya

Amira Cherni