Tabadul TV

Libya’s Oil Production Jumps To 300,000 Bpd As Exports Rise

Libya continues to ramp up crude oil production with the daily total now getting closer to 300,000 bpd and exports on the rise, too.

By the end of last week, production had risen from below 100,000 bpd to 270,000 bpd, exceeding the country’s National Oil Corporation’s expectations and now, according to Bloomberg, it has hit 295,000 bpd. Sources in the know who spoke to the news agency say the ramp-up is set to continue.

Exports, as a result, are also on the rise at the three terminals that eastern-affiliated forced allowed to reopen last month. The Brega terminal is likely to see some 1.8 million barrels exported this month, divided into three cargos, while the Hariga terminal has already loaded two cargos of one million barrels each, Bloomberg reported, citing a cargo loading program. The third free terminal, Zueitina, is scheduled to export five cargoes of crude this month.

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