Tabadul TV

Nova: LNA plans to carry out military operations

In a statement to Nova agency, a private source claimed that the Libyan National Army may carry out military operations in Zuara city, west of Tripoli, with the aim of controlling Ra’s Ajdir border crossing to Tunisia, and Mellitah Complex Oil and Gas.

Nova stated that the army moved a large number of its military units and mobilized them in Al-Watyah Airbase , Al Ajaylat, Sabratah and Surman in northwestern Libya.

In a statement to Nova, Zuwara mayor Farhat Bushwashi called on Al-Sarraj “to support the city before the army takes control of it.”

Bushawashi indicated that the security services in the city monitored phone calls between army members that indicated their readiness to carry out military operations targeting the city and its surroundings.

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