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200 new COVID-19 cases registered in Libya

The Libyan National Center for Disease Control (NCDC) announced the registration of 200 new infections with Coronavirus pandemic, in addition to one death, and the recovery of 8 patients.

Tripoli registered the highest number of infections with 72 new cases, followed by Misrata with 55 cases, according to NCDC’s daily statement on the epidemiological situation, published on its official Facebook page on Friday.

It is noteworthy that Libya has registered 5079 confirmed cases of COVID-19, including 4,311 active cases, 660 recoveries, and 108 deaths.

Image may contain: ‎text that says "‎الوضع الوبائي المحلي لفيروس كورونا المستجد الرَکاوْاولمي LIBYA CONTROL DISEASE CENTRE NATIONAL ดัดช الإصابات النشطة إجمالي الإصابات 4,311 5,079 7 الشفاء 660 الوفيات 108‎"‎

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