Tabadul TV

GECOL’s losses due to assault and robberies of of high voltage cables

Yesterday, the General Electricity Company of Libya claimed that, as a result of assault and robberies in six different regions, the company lost about 9.410 Km of copper wires.

The company also clarified that the last statistics included Zliten, Al Khums, Castelverde, the southern region, Jafara District and Al-Hae Al-Senaea (the industrial district) of Tajouar.

Oil prices reach their highest levels in seven years and Brent crude exceeds the barrier of 91 dollars a barrel

Amira Cherni

The Algerian President sends an invitation to Al-Manfi to participate in the upcoming Arab League Summit in Algeria

Amira Cherni

Al-Kabeer and U.S. Ambassador Emphasize the Necessity of the Central Bank’s Independence in Managing Libya’s Financial Resources

Amira Cherni